The Secret to Lasting Success

(hint, it’s not your test scores…)

As independent college counselors, our collective goal is to help you succeed. While this often translates to college preparation, application and writing support, there is an important piece to the puzzle that needs to be addressed: mindset and emotional intelligence.

Knowing that these elements are vital to lasting success, we’ve brought Leslie Randolph on board to provide you with the mental and emotional support you need to achieve lasting success. 

Leslie is a certified life coach whose work focuses on helping teens and young adults learn the skill of cultivating self-confidence. Because THAT is the secret to lasting success. It is the belief that you can figure anything out.

  • It is the drive to keep going after you fail.

  • It is the willingness to fail.

  • It is the voice that reminds you your worth is fixed, regardless of the school you go to or the score you get on your ACT or SAT.

  • It is also the voice that pushes you to be and do YOUR best because you ARE worth it.

Today, Leslie offers a few tips to help you strengthen your self-confidence muscles and achieve everything what you want.

  • Practice Positive Self-Talk: Speak to Yourself Like You Would Your Best Friend

    • Becoming aware of your inner dialogue is critical to cultivating self-confidence. You always have a choice to speak kindly to you and to show yourself compassion. Make that choice and practice it frequently. You can’t beat yourself up to more confidence!

  • Prioritize Self-Care: Treat Yourself Like You Would Treat Someone You Love

    • You are your first and forever friend – treat yourself as such. Healthy habits like getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, moving your body, disconnecting with technology, reconnecting with nature and friends IRL are forms of self-care. 

  • Keep Your Word to You: Be Willing to Disappoint Others More Than Yourself 

    • People pleasing and “going with the flow” at the expense of your own vision, voice, and values chips away at your self-confidence. 

  • Cut-out Comparison: Notice When You Are Comparing Yourself to Others

    • With the omnipresence of social media, it is easy to compare and despair. But comparison is self-confidence kryptonite. Stay in your lane, focus on your goals, and compete only with the person you were yesterday. 

  • Focus on Future You: Let Your Possibility be your Roadmap 

    • It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day, but take time to zoom out and focus on who you want to be at the end of the year, the end of high school, the beginning of adulthood, and onward. Let “future you” be the decision-maker for what you do today. 

  • Set Goals: Step Into Your Discomfort Zone (And Cheer Yourself on When You Do)

    • Goals are a playground for lovingly pushing yourself towards your dreams, learning to talk to and treat yourself with compassion when things don’t go as planned, allowing negative emotions, and picking yourself up to try again. 

If you could benefit from a cheerleader in your corner, a mindset mirror that helps you identify what’s holding you back, a “doubt detective” that helps you overcome the obstacles in your way, and an accountability ally who pushes you to step out of your comfort zone, then be sure to book a session with Leslie. In her own words, “You got this, and I got you. Let’s go!”


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